Saturday in Seattle

On Friday a junior from undergrad asked if I was really in Seattle! I thought probably she was in Seattle and was finding it hard to believe that so was I. But as it turns out she thought it must have been a status to signify that I was taken high on music by Kurt Cobain because Seattle is where he is from. Now I was surprised. Because though Nirvana songs are American I thought Kurt Cobain was from Aberdeen, Scotland. Buuuuuut! Kurt Cobain is from Aberdeen, WA, 2 hours from Seattle!!!

So we took off early morning (11.30am) to Aberdeen! Why? To take a picture of this (and myself with this):

And then we went all the way to Ocean Shores. No sorry, to Westport to see the Pacific on a rainy day. Bad for the camera because all I caught was grey sand against grey water against a grey sky whenever I could take a picture without the grey haze of rain!

After driving all day we watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix over pizza at home
