Assamese Women

I recently read yet another book of short stories about (not all by) Assamese women. It was titled "Woman: a collection of Assamese short stories". I am sorry that I can't even provide you with a reasonable link. The only one I could find was this. But it is not very helpful.

It had about 20 odd short stories. All about the sorry state of women and their fate. Not many about the happiness or courage or survival. Of course there are some who stood against the whole world and succeeded and some who was trampled on by the evilness of fate. It had some good writing and some bad writing. May be translations have their way of killing the spirit of the story. I wouldn't know. I can't read Assamese. It wasn't very different from the Iranian collection. It's all the same. The plight of women in this world. I found a sample online. It was one of the stories in this collection. I thought it was OK. Better than Amrita Pritam's work.

I think I m done with all these short stories on women and from authors I know not. I should pick up a novel by a writer I have read and liked before. And I should do it soon before I lose faith in the art of writing that I very much love and enjoy.

If I ever write a collection of short stories, I would prefer to write about the beauty, the riches, legends and little lives. I would like to write about the wonderful world that we may have or I will write about a short story which has a moral in it. I would not want to write about a story that is sad or a story that asks for pity or a story that requires you to feel like crying and call myself successful if you cry. I would rather want to make you smile. Smile for now, once.

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  1. Sometimes, it is inevitable for a writer to use his skills to blend reality with story, which may be provocative.


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